Monday, September 6, 2021

Food Technology and Culinary Arts, Is It the Same?

   By: Maria Alicia Wijaya – XII Science 2

“What is the differences between food technology vs culinary arts?” Everyone must know about culinary majors. Culinary arts are the art of preparing, cooking, and serving food. However, what about food technology? The question that many people ask a food technologist is “so are you some kind of chef?” Many people think that food technology is the same as culinary art. However, they are different. There are many differences between the two majors. Starting from the lessons they have learned, their prospects, and their different target consumers. Therefore, we need to look further into the differences between food science and culinary arts.

            Many people think that food science and technology will become a chef when they graduate. But, it’s not. Food science and technology are very different from culinary arts. Food tech is a combination of sciences dedicated to studying food (Titus, Samuel, & Roopan, 2018). Not only chemistry but consists of a combination of various other sciences, such as biology, biochemistry, engineering, nutritional and health science, and microbiology, so it is hoped that those who study food technology can produce healthy and safe food for the consumers. The skills that must be had by students before entering this department are problem-solving abilities, research skills, interest in health and nutrition, scientific and analytical reasoning abilities, and time management. The concept of food tech is to turn raw food into food that can be consumed and has good nutrition for humans. Food is one of the basic needs in our lives, therefore food tech is needed so that graduates can develop new foods that have high nutritional value. In this department, students will learn methods and techniques in food production, processing, preservation, packaging, labeling, and distribution. In addition, students will study food microbiology, enzyme tech, food hygiene, and sanitation nutrition and health, food processing, food laws and quality assurance, unit operations in food processing, plant engineering, applied food biotechnology, crop processing technology, food additives, confectionery technology, fermented milk products, food analysis, and more (Leverageedu, 2021).

            For those of you who are interested in food and always want to experiment with taste, then you are very suitable to enter culinary arts. Through culinary arts, students can express and use their creativity in food presentations.  Initially, students will learn about basic things that often happen in the kitchen. Students will be equipped with knife skills because they will use knives every time they cook. Such as cutting vegetables, fruits, and other ingredients. Product introduction and food safety is also the most important thing. Students will learn about the products that will be used, such as their uses and functions. They will also learn food safety which is the preparation, handling, and storage of food or drinks meant to prevent foodborne illness and injury. After understanding the basic lessons, students also learn math and accounting. Especially for those who want to open a business, these skills are needed. Not only about art, but the student will learn to recognize the nutrients in food to make a portion of nutritious food. However, cooking skills can't just succeed in one try. It will take a long time after practicing for so long so the foods can be formed perfectly (Barrys, 2021).

Even though they both work in the food sector, they are divided into two very different fields. Because many people think that food tech graduates will become chefs, so let's look at the differences between food tech and culinary arts. Food tech graduates can become food technologists, nutritional therapists, product/process development scientists, scientific laboratory technicians, and a lot more. In industry, they will work in the food industry which provides food to consumers. Food technologist have to meet the needs of populations. They have to make a product that won’t be ruined after three months in storage. That’s not what chefs do.  A food technologist works in a lab. They also have an oven, microwaves, mixers, etc., but there are scientific instruments as well: pH meters, beakers, etc.  Meanwhile, culinary arts graduates can become restaurant owners, book recipe writers, chefs, entrepreneurs, and a lot more. They will work in restaurants, bakeries, cafeterias, or open a catering business. Chefs only make food for individuals and they work in the kitchen with their chef coats (Heidi, 2013).

In conclusion, culinary arts and food tech are very different. They are in the same field but have very many differences. People who like to study chemistry, biology, and love to research are suitable to enter food technology. Meanwhile, people who like food, art, and love to cook will be suitable to enter the culinary arts major. Therefore, choosing a major is very important because it is our future. However, the most important thing is that we love what we do.


Barrys. (2021, July 21). What Do You Learn in Culinary School? Retrieved from (2018, May 10). FIVE CULINARY SKILLS YOU CAN TAKE WITH YOU WHEREVER YOU GO. Retrieved from

Heidi. (2013, March 14). Food Science vs Culinary Arts. Retrieved from adashofscience:

Leverageedu. (2021, February 16). Food Technology Courses, Subjects & Career Scope 2021. Retrieved from leverageedu:

Titus, D., Samuel, E., & Roopan, M. (2018). Importance of Food Science and Technology- Way to Future. Bioorganic Phase in Natural Food: An Overview .

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