Monday, September 6, 2021

Graphic Designers Are The Future


                              Graphic Designers Are The Future

Auluna Bisma

                “A picture is a poem without words”, as once said by Roman poet, Horace. When you know exactly what you’re doing with your art, you can tell a story by just a picture. No amount of words are equal or even worth the same as a picture if done correctly. And that’s exactly what a graphic designer does. They tell so much from a single piece of art. That’s the beauty of it isn’t it? But who in the world even needs a graphic designer if everyone can create art? And why is that job so important? What makes them so important?

Graphic designers deal with the graphic design and graphic arts industry who create visual concepts, both physically and/or digitally, to communicate ideas and information. To put into simpler words, graphic designers communicate through their visuals. According to (Coursera, 2021) the visuals created are useful, meaningful, and functional, all according to the demand of their clients and what message they want the visual to come across as. You might wonder if you’ve seen the work of a graphic designer or will you even ever need one. The answer is: yes. As said by (Malvik, What Do Graphic Designers Do? A Closer Look at this Creative Career, 2020) they create everything from posters to billboards to marketing materials, brand design, advertising design, website design, packaging, illustration, and so much more than you can ever imagine. Graphic designers as said by (Malvik, What Is Graphic Design? A Beginner’s Guide to This Creative Career, 2020) are trained and educated to communicate information using elements such as shapes, colors, typography, images, and more to deliver and express towards the audience. Graphic design is more than just aesthetics, as one would say, but it is a form of communication between your business and your audience.

                In todays world, and not to forget the future, tons of people with different professions needs a graphic designer to work together with. In (Driedger, 2019) it is said that anyone who has anything at all to sell will need a graphic designer. It could range from business owners, which most of the time it is, to doctors, movie producers, schools, gaming, and even artists themselves. As mentioned in (Ortiz, 2020) some people don’t realize that having a degree in graphic design can open plenteous opportunities and career paths ahead of them. Web design, publishing, and marketing is what most people most likely know a graphic designer would work in. Especially since those industries has a large number of assignments for the graphic designer. But in reality, graphic designers could work in per se every industry. In the current online landscape world we live in right now, it is important to have high-quality images and visuals for websites and online properties, which means that there is no shortage of need for graphic content. That relates to the myth that older people say: that you will struggle to find a job if your work correlates with the arts, which is a big false statement, as it is needed and has high demand in heaps of industries.

                Graphic designers’ work in the industries sometimes goes unnoticed which makes small business owners ignore their company’s need of a graphic designer to cut costs as much as possible. Creative services are often looked over on ones priority list, yet can cost more to fix later on for skimping on branding. As mentioned before, and yet again by (Popovic, 2021) graphic designers communicate; to inform, delight, and eventually persuade to purchase or take the desired action wanted. Here are the importance of needing and working with a graphic designer as told by (Pickle, 2018), along with (Tait, 2019). Firstly, first impressions matter. You only get one chance to impress a customer with a first impression, so how do you want to be seen by your customer? It helps your client make up their mind about your brand and if they want to work with you. Secondly, consistency is credibility. One of the key to building a dedicated following of people who truly trust your brand and believe in the message you send out is by consistent content creation. Thirdly, efficiency in summary. The beauty of graphic design is that it summarizes information for your audience. It tells them what they need to know from little to no words at all. Human beings are more influenced by visuals rather than texts, which helps deepen our understanding and recollection of information. Fourthly, gain a fresh perspective on your business. Sometimes ego gets in the way of asking for someone’s opinion, and a sitting down with a graphic designer to tell them your vision can help you make informed decisions about your marketing strategy and guide you towards the right direction that you want to. Lastly, your message matters. It is very important for any business to tell their story and a graphic will make sure your exact story gets told. As you are an expert of your business, a graphic designer is an expert at graphic design and can help you do your job better; to get you reach more people with the message you want. A graphic designer knows the ins and outs of graphic design and therefore can contribute and improve your business.

                A graphic designer knows their stuff and can change the world with one piece of their art. Their work is underappreciated, but they know their worth and their power over people’s opinions and the next step that clients will take. Graphic designers do a lot for the industries, and they do so much to improve your business, including bringing up your sales. The things they can do to do as they want you to from their art is a power that only some have. Graphic designers are the future.





Coursera. (2021, May 20). What Does a Graphic Designer Do? (and How Do I Become One?). Retrieved from Coursera:

Driedger, D. (2019, March 6). Who Needs a Graphic Designer and Why. Retrieved from Cowlick Studios:

Malvik, C. (2020, September 21). What Do Graphic Designers Do? A Closer Look at this Creative Career. Retrieved from Rasmussen University:

Malvik, C. (2020, March 9). What Is Graphic Design? A Beginner’s Guide to This Creative Career. Retrieved from Rasmussen University:

Ortiz, A. (2020, March 26). Five Surprising Industries That Need Graphic Designers. Retrieved from The Art Career Project:

Pickle, D. (2018, May 9). Why Graphic Design is Important for Any Business. Retrieved from Design Pickle:

Popovic, D. (2021, April 21). What Does A Designer Do? Scope of Graphic Design Services. Retrieved from manypixels:

Tait, C. (2019, March 12). Why hire a Graphic Designer? Retrieved from Pixelbase Studios:

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