Monday, September 6, 2021

Why This World need an expertise of Agriculture technology?

 Why This World need an expertise of Agriculture technology?

Author: Eleana Arvimetta Sutanto


                  As (Rutledge, 2011) states, “Agriculture is the art and science of cultivating the soil, growing crops, and raising livestock.” Which combine with technology nowadays that made the major of Agriculture technology studies about plants and soil for increasing the needs of human with the help of technology to maximize production of livestock. Thus, it also helps increase economics from the food production, by the help of technology these days every land can turn into a farm which is easier. Also, by making a clinic for plants to breed disease-resistant varieties for the sake of livestock. 

                  That’s why the expertise of this major first, they help countries to raise their economics. Especially for developing countries.  Nearly 80% of people living in the poor rural areas depend on farming for their live hood. While (Maloney, 2019) from the lead economist from the world bank stated, “The productivity of agriculture has the largest impact in any sector of poverty reduction.” Especially through Africa and South Asia, the real example of why this major is giving such a big impact on its economics. Which this expertise can build a substitution effect. Where any area or district can produce crops according to the area’s climate, temperature, soil, and other factors that should be considered for producing livestock. That way all country or area could make their own production of livestock. Then it can be exported to other countries where now, there’s a barter system. This way it can also raise country economics by ‘exchanging’ products. This barter system is also as we call buying and receiving and that’s why it can raise the economics for those countries. 

                  Then, the country with a lack of land and human resource can also produce their livestock according to their country's ability. Such as, Singapore that applied this system already where they build vertical farms because of the lack of land they have (Fastcoworks, 2020). This way, agriculture technology can help those areas that lack something to produce on their own. As (Fast Company, 2021) says, “the world’s population continues expanding, but available farming land is shrinking.” This is what Singapore has been going through but expertise from this major helps their country to make that vertical farm. As the one that going viral about the drone planting. To speed up the process also to increase the precision of planting, this major invents some kind of way to do that. That’s why there is drone planting that speeds up seed dispersal and precision in planting it (Fast Company, 2021). Also, a country like Indonesia is a country that has many undiscovered areas that has still so many forests. This expertise from this major can help those countries to locate the effective land it needs to plant for livestock by using Global Positioning systems, combine with Geographic information systems (Junne, n.d.). This expertise can increase precision in planting livestock in remote or undiscovered areas. 

                  Which also expertise from this major could make a clinic dedicated to plants. Especially these days that people are really into plants, there is a clinic dedicated to plants. It’s not only an ordinary clinic, but they also do some research for plants. They call it ‘clinic’ because it is specifically made to research plant disease. They tried to make disease-resistant varieties of plants (, n.d.). That way it would be easier for people to plants and make it into a profitable farm. The success rate of livestock plants will get higher. This plant’s clinic has become common in some countries especially countries that get their income from exporting livestock or farming. Such as Indonesia that exports some rice from the paddy we plant here to some other country. In a case that Indonesia also has these clinics for plants. Febriani Chinago from Jember University said that she also has ever worked part-time in one of the clinics in Indonesia. Usually big companies that do food production usually have their clinics to monitors their own farm (Chaniago, 2020). Workers there that research and care for the plants so they don’t have any pests are usually called plants doctor. Which Febriani is one of the assistant’s doctor as she works part-time there. The new thing they do is to combine the same varieties of healthy plants with one another then the cell of those healthy plants will be given to other plants that are not healthy. That way the other plant will also become healthy. That’s why they call it to try to make a disease-resistant variety of plants. 

                  Therefore, it is needed expertise from the major agriculture technology, as it helps to increase the economics, produce livestock according to each of the land characteristics, and to keep plants healthy. All these developments in agricultural technology and their impacts on civilization will help us in all kinds of ways. Technology is great these days, so why don’t we take advantage of it. That’s why expertise from agriculture technology is needed.


Rutledge, K. (2011, January 21). Agriculture. Retrieved from National Geographic:

Chaniago, F. (2020, September 20). Arti Penting Klinik Tanaman. Retrieved from Poteksi Tanaman: (n.d.). IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY ON AGRICULTURE . Retrieved from National Geographic:

Fast Company. (2021, January 8). Smart Farming: the Growing Role of Precision Agriculture and Biotech. Retrieved from Perishable

Sahni, R. K. (2018, April 2). Presicion Agriculture Technologies. Retrieved from Biotech Articles:

Fastcoworks. (2020, December 21). Smart farming: The growing role of precision agriculture and biotech. Retrieved from Fast Company:

Junne, G. (n.d.). Biotechnology: the impact on food and nutrition in developing countries . Retrieved from

Maloney, W. (2019, October 4). This is why technology is the future of agriculture. Retrieved from World Economic Forum:


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